In this video I share a story about my experience that I recently
had when I went to a store that I usually go to, and it was
the cashier who was sick and felt really terrible.

Her financial situation must be so bad that she felt like she
couldn’t even go home from work.

So, I want to ask you – can you afford to call in sick or go
from work, if you are sick?

Please take a moment and write down all of your income
expenses and take a look at where you are so that
you won’t 
have to suffer at work when you’re sick.

Let me know if this video has helped you.

I love teaching women how to dress well and to help them
create a life that they love so that they can feel joy and

If you are interested in working with me, click here to fill
out the 
contact form and it will come straight to me.

I can help you with dressing, how to dress well and/or
if you need 
help with planning your life out and to take
care of yourself – I would l
ove to help you along your

So click on this link and let’s get started!

Mahalo for watching.

Aloha, Janin