






Take a moment and think about all of the places where you’ve felt that
spark of inspiration come into your mind or your heart. If it wasn’t a
spark and more like a thought or feeling that came to you, then just
sit with that for a moment.

Did you know that inspiration is very important to your life?

Recently I asked two of my friends, Laura and Colleen the question
“Where are the places that inspire you and why, why is it
important to pay attention
to those places?”

This is what my friend Laura said: “In my mother’s home and
watching her in action because my mother has a huge influence
on me.  It adds and enriches my overall happiness in life.
It also makes her happy when I achieve something.”
This is what my other friend Colleen said: “When I’m driving, because it’s
quiet and I can think. I get projects done and (speaking to all of us) if you
really want to do something,you will make time for it.” I just love their

Some other places to be inspired could be the mountains, the beach, taking
a walk, an art museum. For everyone it’s vastly different.  The places that spark
inspiration are endless. Inspiration is that one thing that helps you in all the areas
of your life to create, to know what to do next, to get projects done, to reorganize
your home, get more creative with food and so much more.

I am fortunate to live in such a beautiful place here in Hawaii where there is so
much awe inspiring beauty everywhere you look. The flood gates of inspiration
just keep pouring in continually and I try to make sure that I’m paying attention
so that I will be able to have happiness in my life.

So, ask yourself this question: Did you take action on a thought, feeling or
spark of
inspiration that you received recently?
If the answer is yes, then great! I’m sure you happy that you did.
If the answer is no, then ask yourself why didn’t I take action on it?
If you didn’t take action, that’s o.k. you can always start now to pay attention to
those thoughts, feelings or sparks that come your way.  It’s never too late.

Look for the beauty wherever you live.  It’s there just waiting for you to notice
it and 
be inspired.

Aloha, Janin