When is a good time and a not so good time to buy clothes?

Summer time may not be the best time to buy clothes that you’ll
need to wear throughout the year.

Summer time is the time of year when you relax, take a vacation,
spend time with family and friends, and do a lot of shopping!

You are doing those things…right?

Well, it may not be something that a lot of people do, but
it’s sure tempting.  It’s seems like so many stores are having
a sale of some kind – all the time.

Ladies, isn’t it hard to stay away from the stores that are having
a sale on clothes!  Especially if you’ve subscribed or signed
up with a store or website to be on their mailing list so that when
they have a sale, they will notify you either by mail or email right

It’s really hard to resist the sale, especially when you see a shirt,
dress, outfit, purse, jewelry, shoes (and the list goes on) that you

But, I ask you… is it really the best time to buy those items?

Just because it’s on sale doesn’t mean that you should buy it.
The stores have everyone conditioned to buy when they say
BUY!  People like a bargain and be able to get more for their
money and that’s what the stores are counting on – for you to
buy more.

Summer is not the best time to buy clothes if you are going to
need clothes to wear throughout the year, because so many
of the clothes that are on sale are usually summer wear.  So
that means that if you buy a lot of summer wear and you’re
not able to wear it throughout the year then your money is not
working for you.

What I mean by that is that most people don’t have an endless
bank account to spend on buying clothes (wouldn’t that be nice
if we did!), so it’s better to spend your money on pieces of
clothing that you can use throughout the year.

Now, I’m lucky that I live here in Hawaii and I can wear summer
clothes all year long because I live on a tropical island and it’s
hot most of the time.  But, most of the people in this world don’t
live on a tropical island or in a place where the weather is hot
most of the year so, if you live in a place like that, then I would
say go for it – buy those cute summer clothes.

When you do have the need  😉  to go clothes shopping, make
sure that you look in your closet and make a note/list of what
kinds of clothes that you do have and how many of each piece.

For example – how many blouses, skirts, pants, dresses, shorts,
jackets and the other miscellaneous items do you already have,
as well as what color each piece is.

This might take a little time, but it’s so worth it.  To make the most
out of your money and shopping experience, it’s a good idea to
take that list with you so that you don’t buy something that you
already have.  Unless of course you use that item a lot and it’s
getting worn out and you would need another one now or soon.

I know that making a list sounds like one more thing that you need
to do, but I will say that you’ll be glad you did.  A lot of people buy
clothes on impulse when they go to the store and malls which leads
to…many items being left hanging in the closet with the tags still
attached – never to see the light of day again!

What makes it harder is that so many stores like Macy’s seem to
have a sale of some kind every weekend.  And, as it gets closer to
the end of summer usually around mid August you’ll start to see
even more sales popping up around town.  The stores need to get
rid of all of the summer items to get ready for the back to school sale.

So, if you want to get the most out of your money, then I would
suggest that you wait for the end of summer and back to school
sales.  During those kinds of sales you’ll find that the prices have
been marked down for a 2nd, 3rd or even 4th time.  You might even
get lucky and find some nice work clothes or pieces that you can
use all year long to mix and match with some pieces of clothing
that you already have hanging in your closet.

The hard part is waiting for those sales!  Especially when you are
in the mood to buy something new for yourself.

Think about it, I hope you find this helpful.

Aloha!  Janin