Incorporating Fashion & Finance

I want to send out the Aloha Spirit to all of you.  I hope you get a lot
of value out of this podcast.

I wanted to let all of you listening know that I didn’t forget about you.
I’ve been working on incorporating fashion, style and clothing fit into
fashionable finance.

So far I’ve only been talking about is how to deal with you finances
and to have JOY at the same time, while letting women know that it’s
OK to talk about money and ask for help.

I also love to share and teach on the topics that can help you  improve
your life, because I
always want to inspire and help women and moms
who are really busy and to have them be able to learn on the go.

Sometimes it seems like that’s the only way we can get things accomplished
and learn

Helping women has always been really important to me my entire
adult life.  I think about all of you listeners all the time and wonder
what I can share with you that will make a difference in your life.

I think about it constantly because I love to share.

It’s time now to incorporate the style, fashion and clothing fit into this
podcast and not only talk about finances and life.  There’s a lot more
to learn and experience.  I’m all about creating experiences for people.
It was definitely been the highlight of my day when I was teaching my
students how to sew and how to incorporate everyday items into the
realm of creating and sewing, and just being creative.  It’s so easy to
combine the two.

And that’s where the magic happens is when my students had these
experiences and they got excited when they could see what I was
trying to show and teach them.  That’s what I want for you.

It can be a really magical experience when you combine two things
or ideas that you would never think could go together, but some how
it just works beautifully.

That’s like combining or meshing fashion and finance, it sounds a bit
strange but it works.

I hope to be able to show you how it works as time goes by and you
are able to listen to the other episodes that I have planned and I want
create for you.

And by the way I don’t teach fashion that teaches you how to be
trendy, because trendy only works for a select few women, (and
let me emphasize few!) for the most part it doesn’t work well overall.

So don’t worry that I’m going to be teaching about crazy fashion
trends and ideas that wouldn’t work for you.  I’m a no nonsense
type of person.  I teach what works and what doesn’t.  I feel that’s
the best way to go.  I like to teach so that you can get the best out
of what works for you and your figure and lifestyle.

I just wanted to share that with you, I wanted you to know that I have
more podcast episodes coming your way and I hope you find it
interesting.  I’m going to see how it works – incorporating fashion and

Thanks again for, you being here and listening to this episode and
listening to me, I really appreciate it because there’s so many things
to do and life is busy and I’m thankful that you chose to listen to this

I would love for you to send me a message, you can choose how you
want to send your message by email or voicemail, and let me know
what you think or what you’d like to hear, I really appreciate it!

If you enjoyed listening to this podcast, I would love for you to share
any of the podcast episodes with other people that you know who you
think would be able to benefit from the things that I’m sharing.

It really makes my day to know that I’m helping other people out and
I want so much to enrich their lives, to help them to grow and learn and
have a much more fulfilling life as well as those of you that are listening.

a huihou malama pono, which means – until next time, take care

You can also find me at and

Subscribe to this podcast in iTunes or Stitcher Radio,
so that you’ll never miss an episode.

I would really appreciate it if you would give this podcast –
The Fashionable Finance Podcast a rating and review in

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Mahalo for listening.

Aloha, Janin Johnston

Music by: Dennis Pavao
Song: Ipo Lei Manu
Album: Wale No
Produced by: Pilialoha Production
If you would like to order a copy of this CD you
can send an email request to Pilialoha Productions

Dennis Pavao-Album Cover





Permission was given to use the music from this