Do Things Differently In Your Life

The topic of doing things differently in your life is a really
interesting one and you’ll understand what I mean.

I’ve always been the kind of person that I’ve always tried to
do things a little differently in my life.  I think it started from
when I was a little girl because I can remember when I was
a kid having that thought and feeling of wanting to do things
how I wanted to do it and when I wanted to do it.  You might
want to call it rebellion kind of sounds like rebellion, I think I
did become rebellious when I was a pre-teen(I hope it didn’t
start when I was a kid in elementary, that wouldn’t be good!)    

(Sorry Mom!)

I have to apologize to my mom because I’m pretty sure I gave
my Mom and other family members a lot of stress at times or
shall I say quite often.  As I think about it now, I think I felt
and acted that way because of the amount of creative energy
that I had from a really young age.

As a kid I always went with that creative energy that was
moving and flowing, isn’t that what we’re supposed to do?
We’re supposed to go with that flow, that we’re feeling.

I have to thank to my Mom, because she was the one that
was always doing something creative with my siblings and I.
I am so grateful for that!  We were always doing crafts, I did
a lot of sewing, she did a lot of sewing and we were always
just creating – working with clay and things like that.

Why is it that, it always seems the case that we don’t
appreciate our mom’s until we get much, much older and
then we have to suffer in our own lives before we wake
up and appreciate our moms!

I’m glad at least I woke and started appreciating all the
things that she did for me.

What I’ve come to realize is that you have to find out who
you are, all the way down to the depths of your very soul.
When you do that it becomes very evident that we are all
different on every level.  And what I’ve seen from so many
people is that they sometimes don’t really know who they
are, or, are a little afraid of what they know about themselves
and that’s a natural feeling – so don’t feel bad is you find
out things about yourself that you don’t like or you’re a little
afraid of it.

I am here to tell you that being different and doing things
differently is one of the many great things that you can do
for yourself, and for those people who are closest to you
because they’re actually the one’s who reap the benefits
of who you are – whether it’s good or bad.

Now, I’m not talkin’ about being the weird kind of different
that people will be turned off by.  I’m just talking about being
you, which is different.  There is only one “you”, one of you
on this planet, there is no one else like you.

So, when you become comfortable with being different, then
doing things differently becomes a breeze!  You’ll start to notice
that things start to get better in you life.  Now I know that this
idea is not easy for a lot of people, but, I do know that it’ s well
worth it.

One thing that you can do today to start to do things differently

~Decide that this is what you want to do and commit to knowing that
this is going to be a fantastic thing for you.

There are so many benefits of doing things differently.  I just want to
let you know that I love the fact that I do things differently than a lot
of other people that I know.  I’m not afraid of it.  If a thought or idea
that comes to me, then I go with the flow.  It has helped me in so
many ways that it’s impossible to really mention it all, right here.

I want to talk more about the benefits of doing things differently in
your life and maybe you can see what I mean.

One of the benefits is:

~You start to feel like you’re special, and this is great if you don’t
already feel like that.

Now, I’m not sure if you have even thought about feeling like you’re
special or that you even care to feel like that.  But, I will say that
when you start to care about how you feel about yourself, everyone
around you will start to notice and even make a comment or two.
I want to challenge you to start thinking about that.

Another benefit:

~Your sense of awareness becomes greater because you’re not
focusing on trying to be or become like someone else.

Greater awareness is always a good thing that’s for sure.  Who
wouldn’t want to notice things around us that can benefit us, or
those that we care about.  It’s when we are paying attention that
we can enjoy the benefits of that newfound sense of awareness.


So, basically it’s all about aware of you and your surroundings and
the benefits will definitely be different for everyone, so you won’t
really know until you try it out.

One more benefit:

~You’ll find that your level of confidence starts to grow.  You know
something very interesting that I’ve noticed for many years now, is
that as peoples’ confidence level starts to grow they start to realize
that they aren’t so: dumb, stupid, unworthy, ridiculous, foolish or …
(you fill in the blank).

You start to have a lot of small little accomplishments that lead you
straight to a higher level of confidence as you keep plugging away
and doing these things a little differently (like in your own special way).
If you keep at it everyday, you’ll start to notice your confidence starting
to grow and who wouldn’t want to be confident, right!

I know that all of these things do take time and it will take time.
This is not something that happens overnight (unfortunately, sometimes
I wish it did) but I want to encourage you to hang in there, keep going,
keep moving forward in the pursuit of ‘being who you really are” doing
things differently.


We’re all striving to be happy.  If you do things differently in your life
(and you could incorporate this into all areas of your life) it doesn’t
have to be only one specific thing or one specific way, just start off
by focusing on one area and think about how you can do something
different – even starting right now.

Write it down, I always talk about pencil and paper.  Write things down.
Just jot down an idea or two that you might have about what you could
do differently in your life, it really will have a big impact on your life but
you’ll never know until you get started.  You will definitely reap all of
the benefits that are waiting for you when you do things differently
and find out who you really are.

I want you to start today, I’m cheering for you! (Rah! Rah!)

I want to be in your corner and cheer you on and if you need my
help, I would love for you to connect with me at

If you would like me to help you and if you’d like to work with me
I would welcome your email, or if you want you can send me a
voice mail message just go to my website at –
click on the voice mail tab on the right hand side an send me a voice
mail message and I will get back to you and see how we can work
together I would love for you to comment and let me know what
you think and what you want to hear and send me anything you’d
like me to know.

I would love for you to share this podcast with other people that you
know who you think would be able to benefit from the things that I’m

All the things that I share is all the things that I’ve learned and gone
through in my life and learned by experience and so please share this
message with other people, you’ll be amazed at how it could really
help someone when you didn’t think it could.  So let them know
where they can listen to this recording, they can go to iTunes and
they can search for Fashionable Finance or they can go to my website
at and it’s right there, you can listen to it or
you can actually read the show notes.

I would appreciate it if you would go to iTunes and give me an honest
rating and an honest review, I would really appreciate that and it lets
me know what you folks are liking and not liking and if you think it’s
of value.  I only want to share value, I don’t want to share anything
that’s not worth your time because it wouldn’t benefit me or you!

I would love to help you in your pursuit of Doing Things Differently I
n Your Life.

I thank you so much, I really appreciate you being here because
there’s so many things to do and life is busy and I’m thankful that
you chose this podcast.

I want to send out some wonderful Hawaiian sunshine to all of you.

Again, I would love for you to send me a message, you can choose
how you want to send your message by email or voicemail, and let
me know what you think I appreciate it!

It really makes my day to know that I’m helping other people out
there and to enrich their lives, to help them to grow and learn and
have a much more fulfilling life.

I want to thank you, a hui hou malama pono – until next time,
take care!

You can also find me at and

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Mahalo for listening.

Aloha, Janin Johnston

Music by: Dennis Pavao
Song: Ipo Lei Manu
Album: Wale No
Produced by: Pilialoha Production
If you would like to order a copy of this CD you
can send an email request to Pilialoha Productions

Dennis Pavao-Album Cover





Permission was given to use the music from this