FEARAloha, in this episode I talk about the dreaded topic of

Fear is everywhere, it so pervasive.

Fear shows it’s ugly self in so many different ways and
starts in childhood at such a tender age.

Everything we learn for the first few years of our lives is from our parents,
grandparent or aunts & uncles that raise us and it will look different for everyone.

Were here to gain knowledge, to grow and learn and to experience
things and to prepare to live in the eternities with God.

One of the steps you need to take to overcome your fear is to be creative
Being creative allows you to be in that space of “what’s possible”
because being in that space of fear shuts you down.

Everyone on this planet is given that gift of creativity from God.

It’s amazing how creative we are, its possible to be creative everyday
and have joy, you just have to want these things.

Everybody has their own interest in the creative space, so take the
time to find that creative gift that’s in you.  Once you get on that path,
you will be amazed at yourself.

It’s good to have somebody to work out your fears with and go step
by step to figure out what’s going on, maybe the other person you’re
working with will have an idea on how you can overcome your fear.
You don’t know what you don’t know.

It’s not worth it to give into that fear, why would you want to give into
something that is having such a negative effect on your life.

I want to encourage you with every fiber of my being to take these steps
to overcome fear, we all have so much to give and theres so much that
we can enjoy here in this life time.

Life doesn’t have to be terrible or fearful, it is possible to let it go.

Your life is so worth it!

I want to encourage you to face it, overcome it and let it go.  It may take
a little time because things worthwhile are worth doing.

I would love to talk with you and help you figure out how to overcome
your fear.

I hope you are enjoying listening to this podcast!

Please share this podcast with anyone that you know of
who will benefit from the things that are in each episode.

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Connect with me:  janin@fashionablefinance.com
or you can leave me a voice mail at fashionablefinance.com

Mahalo for listening.

Aloha, Janin Johnston

Music by: Dennis Pavao
Song: Morningside
Album: Wale No
Produced by: Pilialoha Production
If you would like to order a copy of this CD you
can send an email request to Pilialoha Productions
at: makai@maui.net

Dennis Pavao-Album Cover





Permission was given to use the music from this