183-[Holiday Wish] JOY!

A Holiday Wish episode on Joy

JOY is the holiday wish I want to share with you.
We need more Joy!

JOY is more than happiness, it goes beyond just being happy, it’s an inner feeling.

Joy can feel like it’s deep and you feel it in your whole body or in the depths of your soul, and
it feels like it’s never going to end, and the best part of that is that you could even have a joyful
expression on your face.

Wouldn’t that be so cool if you could always have a joyful expression!

Joy can fill your whole being when you’re in a state of gratitude and being thankful for ALL that
you are, all that you have, all that you are able to do, and more.

Joy comes to you so powerfully when you serve!
The kind of service I’m talking about is like how Jesus Christ service people when He lived on earth.

True Joy comes when you serve people and forget about yourself. It does NOT include serving someone
where money is involved like a business.

Examples of serving and service are when you check on your neighbor or a family member-do they need
help? Can you bring a warm meal to someone? What about bringing a plate of cookies to someone who
you know lives alone and is lonely?

The only way true joy is constant and will stay with you is when you forget about yourself and serve those
around you!

Joy is like love, they go together. I believe that Joy is in the same realm as love, it’s almost like those two words
are the same, and they’re synonymous with each other.

Joy almost makes you feel all squishy inside.

With Joy, it’s easier to overcome the really hard things in your life, and it can help you to feel like you can make
it through the trials or stress in your life.

Joy has a way of making you want to do good in your life. When you experience Joy, it literally changes you.

You have worth and value.

My holiday wish for you is to have Joy, and when you do have joy, share it with people.

Talk to people about this episode and share it with them.

Happy Holidays


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Music by: The Late-Dennis Pavao
🎼Song: Ipo Lei Manu
Album: Wale No
Produced By: Pilialoha Production