168-You're Going To Have To Do Things You've Never Done Before And I'm Here To Help You!

You’re going to have to do things you’ve never done before when you have your own business
and there’s no way around it and I’m here to help you on your journey!

I really love how humanity works where we all help each other.  If everyone did the same thing
in their business or their jobs, then life and, this world would be so much better.

That’s one of the reasons why I have this podcast, it’s so that I can help you by teaching what I
know and sharing the things that I think could help you in your life and in your business…all for

Of course, I would love for you to work with me so that I can help you get your business started
and help you understand how to stitch all the pieces of a business together.  But, it’s OK if you’re
not interested in working with me or you’re not ready.

I still want to teach and share as much as possible with you. 

I love teaching because I learn a lot while I’m teaching. I love how that works!

Think about when you were a kid and you fell down and skinned both of your knees. 😩  

What did you do?  (Now just as a side note, I don’t have a high tolerance for physical pain, so I’m
pretty sure I cried a lot.) 

What about you? Did you cry a lot and then after the pain subsided, did you get back up and start
playing again?  Or did you sit there and give up on having fun?

I was talking to a friend recently about her business and she said that sometimes she feels like she’s
hanging on by a thread.

That’s why it’s so important to have a friend, or a coach, or someone who has a business too that you
can work with or talk to when you feel like you’re hanging on by a thread.

Everything in life that’s good is worth learning and just like business, it’s always going to be a learning
process and journey.  Not everything is going to be smooth sailing or easy and that’s good because when
you have to work hard at something, you appreciate it way, way more.

Here are some of the things you can do to help you when you’re struggling:

1.  Find someone that you can talk to on a weekly basis that will
be supportive if you’re not ready to hire a coach yet.

2.  Say a prayer if you believe in God.

3.  Journaling-it’s such a powerful tool, it helps you get out all the things that are going on in your mind.

4.  Take a class or course in that area that you’re trying to learn and understand.

5.  You have to go back to why you’re doing this or why you want to start a business, then it makes things
so much more difficult.  Don’t give up when things get hard.  Go back to your WHY. What is so important to

REMEMBER-pick yourself up when you fall or feel like you’ve failed because you have worth and value and
what you do matters!  You can do this.


You can get on a strategy call with me if you’re interested in working with me and/or you have a lot of questions.  
Click here so we can schedule a strategy session.

➡️ Let’s get started!

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Music by: The Late-Dennis Pavao
🎼Song: Ipo Lei Manu
Album:  Wale No
Produced By:  Pilialoha Production