#157-Try A New 'WORD' For This Month!

Try a new word for this month.

In episode #154 I talked about having a word for the year has been really popular for so
many people, and that I’ve never really felt strongly about having a word for the year.

But a couple of years ago I tried having a word for the year, but I forgot all about that
word because I get distracted easily!

But what about having a word for the month?

I started using a word for the month last month and it’s been helping me and I didn’t
think it would.

I also gave a creative assignment which was…to find a word for the month that you feel
you need to work on.

Because I have the bright shiny object thing going on it’s been helping me to stay on
track a lot more.

I invite you to try out this word of the month technique and see how it will help you
and what it will do for your life.

I’m committed to trying this word of the month technique until the end of the year,

Your creative assignment is to find a new word for this month and see what it will
do for you.




Music by: The Late-Dennis Pavao
🎼Song: Ipo Lei Manu
Album:  Wale No
Produced By:  Pilialoha Production