Are You A Woman With A Plan-

Women usually have a plan for something that they
really want and sometimes they don’t even realize
that they’ve made a plan because it’s been something
that they do naturally and have been doing it for so long,
that they don’t feel the need to have it written out.

Sometimes I think that as little girls we have this natural
ability to see what we want, figure out a way to get it
(a plan) and then go for it – no matter what.

Have you ever watched a little girl playing house, having
a tea party or doll dress up? If you have, you probably
have witnessed that little girl in action: setting things up,
organizing everything and telling her playmates what to do
and, what not to do (some might call it being bossy). I think
it’s pretty funny, her playmates are at her mercy.

Isn’t that how it is as grown women, we continue that same
pattern just like when we were little. The only difference is
is that we have a lot more people that are in our life to
organize (boss around).

Even though that might come easy and written plans are
not required, sometimes having a plan for something
specific and more elaborate requires that it be written
out on paper in order for it to be accomplished.

For example, these are some things that require you to have
a written plan:

*Managing your finances
*Going to college – how much is it going to cost
*Where you’re going to live – how much can you afford to
pay per month for rent or mortgage
*Getting married
*Buying a car through financing
*Travel – taking a trip to Italy
*Growing your spirituality
*Taking care of your health (yes, you need a plan for that!)

The list can be endless, everyone is so different in what they
want and how they want to live their life.

I want to say to all of you women out there, start making plans
for your life that will get you excited. Be a woman with a plan!
There’s something amazing that happens when you actually
write out or draw out what you want on paper. It’s so different
then keeping it all in your head or doing it digitally.

I’ve witnessed some amazing things as I’ve taught students
how to get their ideas out of their head, how to use their imagination
and creativity in all different ways, and all of it was done with
physical objects, not a computer.

My former students have experienced a great deal of satisfaction,
amazement within themselves, a sense of accomplishment and
the confidence that they can do things that may seem hard.

I have a fun suggestion – get some colored pens, pencils,
paints of some kind, crayons, oil pastels or anything else that is
colorful of your choice and just start writing or drawing a plan for
what you want. You can choose whatever kind of paper you want.
This is your plan and you can create it any way you want!

Colors have a way of activating the imagination and creativity.
Who says that a plan has to be on a plain sheet of paper, written
with a black ink pen?

You’re more likely to have success with your plan when it’s on paper
verses it being stuck in your head.
Plan! (with colors) You will be happy that you did.

If you need help with planning or creating a plan for something you
have in your heart, let me know. I will be more than happy to help

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I really appreciate it, mahalo for doing that.

a huihou malama pono, which means – until next time, take care

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Mahalo for listening.

Aloha, Janin Johnston

Music by: Dennis Pavao
Song: Ipo Lei Manu
Album: Wale No
Produced by: Pilialoha Production
If you would like to order a copy of this CD you
can send an email request to Pilialoha Productions

Dennis Pavao-Album Cover





Permission was given to use the music from this