Have you ever had a time in your life where things were so
stressful and there was a lot going on?  Are you going through
it now?

Because life throws curve balls at you and you may not be
prepared or feel like you’re ready to take on those curve
balls, that you just feel like screaming or maybe even crying!

Curve balls a.k.a.: a flat tire or a car accident on the freeway
and now you’re going to be 30 minutes late to work or an
appointment, or as soon as you get to work you get a phone
call from your child’s school that he or she is feeling sick and
you need to pick him or her up as soon as possible, or you

get home from work and somebody in your family reminds you
that you signed up to bring snacks to a school or committee
meeting that night, or how about all of these things happening
in one day!

At this point you’re thinking no way…this cannot be happening!
And you start to wonder if you can make it through the rest of
the day.

This is just an example of a few of the many endless things
that has happened to me and many other people that I know.

I’m sure you can relate as you are reading this.

With life being so busy and moving fast, sometimes the only
thing you can do it make it through the day and not worry about
tomorrow or the future.

I want to let you know that you’re not alone, life likes to keep you
on your toes which at times can seem relentless.  It seems like the
light at the end of the tunnel is not even in your view or you don’t
even have the energy to dream of the light.

When these things are happening, have you ever had the thought
of “I just want to get on an airplane and fly off somewhere where
nobody can find me”.  Well, I have had that thought many, many
times.  Although it’s never happened…I’ve never gotten on an
airplane and flew off to somewhere far away when life was throwing
me curve balls.

It’s a great thought though, don’t you think?

Sometimes the frustration level is so high that you just feel like
you just can’t deal with all the stress that’s happening in one day.

Well, looking back at those times of dealing with the curve balls
I realize that on quite a few occasions, that it was because of my
lack of planning and preparation.  Of course I’m talking about things
that I had control over, like having the snack ready ahead of time
and things like that.  Obviously I have no control over a flat tire,
a car accident on the freeway or my child getting sick at school.
But I do have control over other little things that I can put in place
and prepare for.

Hind sight is always great, because it means that you are willing
to see and learn from all the things that didn’t work in the past.
It’s also really important to realize that you can’t change the past.
It’s really easy to blame everyone and everything else instead of
just accepting what happened and realize that sometimes there’s
nothing that you can do or could have done in certain situations.

Women in general are so hard on themselves when things happen
and go in a direction that created pain or stress, that they start
saying things to themselves that are very emotionally, mentally and
spiritually harmful.

There is nothing that is worth that kind of pain to your emotions,
mind or your spirit.

It really is OK to want to just make it through the day and nothing
more.  Just remember to breathe…

If and when you have curve balls coming at you, just remember that
you are only going to be better for having gone through it.

Here’s 4 things I suggest that you do:

1.  Set a specific day and time each week to go over your life and
what is going on during the coming week.

2.  Jot down on a paper calendar or your digital calendar, as many
notes as possible about what’s happening on each day and what
you need to do for each thing.

3.  Let everyone know that is involved in your activities.

4.  Look at your calendar multiple times a day.  You’ll be amazed at
how easily it is to forget what you put in the calendar.

It may sound a little too simple, but it really is powerful in helping
you deal with any curve balls.

Just trying to make it through the day is better than just giving up and
throwing in the towel and not dealing with the curve balls in a positive

I would love to hear from you, tell me what kinds of curve balls you’ve
had in your life and how you dealt with it and let me know what you think,
send me an email at janin@fashionablefinance.com.  I would love to
hear from you.

Please share this podcast with a friend or family member who you
think would get some value out of listening to the different episodes.
I really appreciate it, mahalo for doing that.

a huihou malama pono, which means – until next time, take care

I would love your feedback, send me your comments or questions.

Make sure you visit www.fashionablefinance.com and leave me a voice
message through the Speakpipe app.

You can also find me at facebook.com/fashionablefinance.com and

I hope you are enjoying listening to this podcast!

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who will benefit from the things that are in each episode.

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Connect with me:  janin@fashionablefinance.com

Mahalo for listening.

Aloha, Janin Johnston

Music by: Dennis Pavao
Song: Ipo Lei Manu
Album: Wale No
Produced by: Pilialoha Production
If you would like to order a copy of this CD you
can send an email request to Pilialoha Productions
at: makai@maui.net

Dennis Pavao-Album Cover





Permission was given to use the music from this